Entries by Jonathon Hutchinson


Sydney protests, social media & policing

I was asked to write an opinion piece for the Sydney Morning Herald last week as a reaction to the anti-lockdown protests in Sydney, which took place the week before. I found it incredibly interesting how those who attended the event left a trail of ‘evidence’ across social media, and who that would be the […]

Public service media and automation

I’m super happy to announce a book chapter, co-authored with my colleague Jannick Sørensen, in The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society. Our chapter is titled Can Automated Strategies Work for PSM in a Network Society? Engaging Digital Intermediation for Informed Citizenry. 2020 was a tough year for everyone, all round. It […]

‘Plamping hard’: how DJs and creatives are earning a buck online via Twitch, Patreon, OnlyFans and more

**This article first appeared in The Conversation, May 28 2020** The constraints of coronavirus isolation have closed down most recreational activities, but some creative industries are responding in innovative ways. I have been researching “digital first personalities” – content producers who build massive (or highly engaged) audiences online first and then often make the jump […]

Social media logics during COVID-19: The case of #plamping

Social media preferences are shifting during COVID-19 restrictions. While many of us have been house bound during the recent COVID-19 isolation period, many social media users have been finding innovative ways to socialise online, akin to how we would in non-restrictive times. But how are social media logics playing out during this time? New forms […]

The rise of digital first personalities during COVID-19 isolation

For many of us who have been impacted by the stay-at-home isolation conditions during this global pandemic, we have turned to new forms of social media entertainment for comfort. However, for prime-time celebrities who rely heavily on their production teams to create world-class media experiences, the transition has not been so seamless. Instead, what we […]


Cross-border Media Flows, Infrastructures and Imaginaries in a changing Asia-Pacific – USyd and HKU Symposium

We performed our academic FIFO (Fly In Fly Out – thanks for the insights here Jolynna) duties recently at the first University of Sydney and Hong Kong University symposium, expertly crafted by Professor Heather Horst and Dr Tom McDonald. During the one day symposium, all researchers were asked to respond to the somewhat broad theme […]


Sabbatical done! Here’s what happened…

You may notice I call it a sabbatical, even though technically it is called Special Studies Program (SSP) here at the University of Sydney. But, so a broader audience gets what’s going on here, let’s go with sabbatical for now… Good times… During my sabbatical, which I undertook during December 2018 to July 2019, I […]