New Blog, New Research
After a hiatus in publishing, I now have a brand new research blog!
For those of you who remember, I had my old blog at But after accidentally letting that domain name expire, some internet soul purchased that space immediately and then wanted to sell it back to me for money that it just wasn’t worth (maybe). So unfortunately, I lost about ten years worth of public research.
Some of that work including my early steps in blogging in about 2009, some foundational work with Adrian Miles on Quicktime multi video work and hypertextual media (now called vlogging), all of my Honours Research, all of my PhD research, and some of my post PhD work.
An expensive lesson, but one that I have now justified.

For a while, I thought I might switch to a YouTube Research Channel instead of a research blog, but the work in putting out research vlogs is huge (big shout outs to Zoe Glatt for her ongoing work on that format).
This blog is a space is where I will publish research updates, methodology insights, conference undertakings, and some teaching and learning activity.
Most importantly, I am currently working on the research of the project, Digital Intermediation: A study of automated media influencers. Rising from the ashes of a failed DECRA application, I am now on a Research Fellowship at the Hans Bredow Institute in Hamburg Germany. I will work on my research as part of the Algorithmed Public Sphere, alongside Cornelius Puschmann and Jan Schmidt. I will recored all of the work from that research here.
Of course, if you have questions or would like to get in contact, please drop me a line.
Looking forward to many conversations in this space!
Feature photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash.
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